Programme de la conference





Thursday 8 October / Jeudi 8 octobre

17:00-20:00 registration in the lobby of the Hotel International (address: Miramarska 24) / enregistrement dans le hall de l’hôtel International (adresse: Miramarska 24)


Friday 9 October / Vendredi 9 octobre

8:30 Roundup in the lobby of the Hotel International (address: Miramarska 24) for a guided walk to the Faculty / Rendez-vous dans le hall de l’hôtel International (adresse: Miramarska 24) pour une promenade guidée jusqu’à la Faculté

8:30 – 9:30      REGISTRATION (lobby in front of the library, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, address: Ivana Lučića 3) / ENREGISTREMENT (hall d’accès à la bibliothèque, Faculté de Philosophie et lettres, adresse: Ivana Lučića 3)

9:30 – 10:30    OPENING CEREMONY (lecture hall D7) / CÉRÉMONIE D’OUVERTURE (salle D7)

10:30 – 11:30  KEYNOTE SESSION (lecture hall D7) / CONFÉRENCE PLÉNIÈRE (salle D7)

Aritha van Herk The North Within Chair / Modérateur : Vanja Polić

*There will be simultaneous translation of the keynote session into French. / Conférence plénière avec traduction simultanée en français.

11:30 – 12:00 COFFEE BREAK (lobby in front of the library) / PAUSE CAFÉ (hall d’accès à la bibliothèque)

12:00 – 13:00  KEYNOTE SESSION (lecture hallD7) / CONFÉRENCE PLÉNIÈRE (salle D7)

Daniel Chartier Qu’est-ce que l’imaginaire du Nord ? principes éthiques pour la recherche sur le Nord et l’Arctique Chair / Modérateur : Marija Paprašarovski

*There will be simultaneous translation of the keynote session into English.

13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH BREAK (1st floor in front of lecture hall A123) / PAUSE DÉJEUNER (1er étage, devant la salle A123)


1A (lecture hall A105)

Chair: Don Sparling

1B (lecture hall A101)

Chair: Michelle Gadpaille

1C (lecture hall A122)

Chair: Martina Horáková

1D (salle A102)

Modérateur:Evaine Le Calvé Ivičević

Robert M. Campbell

The Northern Politics of the Post in Canada

Martin Löschnigg

Narrativizing North: The Franklin Expeditions in Canadian and Other Novels

Judit Ágnes Kádár

Multicultural Identity Negotiation in Some Recent Canadian and U.S. Mixed-Blood Narratives

Bernard Emont

Portrait de l’Esquimau, à travers plusieurs écrits de la Nouvelle-France

Martin  Cyr Hicks

Survival and Survivance: The Divergent National Narratives of the True North

Miasol Eguíbar Holgado

The Emasculating North: Deconstructing the Myth of the Pioneer in the Works of Jean McNeil and Alistair MacLeod

Ksenija Kondali

Representing the North in Lawrence Hill’s The Book of Negroes

Monique Nadeau Saumier :

Géants, cannibales, licornes et autres mythes d’un espace imaginaire, Terra Incognita, le Grand Nord canadien

Maggie Ann Bowers

Relative North: Literary Representations of American artists in the Canadian North

Janicke S. Kaasa

A Place of Authenticity: “The North” in English-Canadian travel writing from the 1950s


Sandrine Ferré-Rode

“Ideas of North:” The Representation of Canada in Samuel Ringgold Ward’s Autobiography of a Fugitive Negro (1855) and Austin Steward’s Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman (1857)

Marija Paprašarovski

Le Grand Nord mis en scène

15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK (1st floor in front of lecture hall A123) / PAUSE CAFÉ (1er étage, devant la salle A123)


2A (lecture hall A105)

Chair: Maggie Ann Bowers

2B (lecture hall A101)

Chair: Monique Nadeau Saumier


2C (lecture hall A122)

Chair: János Kenyeres

2D (salle A102)

Modérateur: Marija Paprašarovski

Joe Blades

Addressing the North and Whiteness in “The Great White North”

Robert Sharp

The Mysteries of Ellef Ringnes

Kveta Kunesova

Le Nord retrouvé

Linda Warley

Canadian cartoonists and the North


Heather Simeney MacLeod

Place of Darkness: Implications of Weather in Canada’s North

Katarína Labudová

“The North Is Not Endless”: Margaret Atwood’s Eco-critical Warnings

Petr Kyloušek

Ce Nord tout en feu : Les héritiers de la mine et Il pleuvait des oiseaux de Jocelyne Saucier

Christl Verduyn

The north in Seth’s The Great Northern Brotherhood of Canadian Cartoonists

Claudia Grill

“Toronto of the North” or “Forgotten North”? Being a Northerner in Churchill, Manitoba


Melanie Braunecker

The Reverse of the Medal. The Oil Industry’s Impact on Nature As Reflected in a Selection of Canadian Eco-Literature

Jelena Novaković

La «pensée nordique» et la «pensée de midi» dans Les Chambres de bois d’Anne Hébert

17:45 – 19:00 reading and music: (lecture hall D7) / lectures et musique : (salle D7)

Mark Anthony Jarman – a reading  / Mark Anthony Jarman – lectures

Concordia Discors Choir / Chorale Concordia Discors

Raffle / Tombola

CEACS Certificates of Merit awards / Certificats de mérite de l’AECEC


19:15 – 20:00  RECEPTION (lobby in front of the library) / RÉCEPTION (hall d’accès à la bibliothèque)


Saturday 10 October / Samedi 10 octobre

8:00 – 8:30 EARLY MORNING COFFEE (1st floor in front of lecture hall A123) / CAFÉ MATINAL (1er étage, devant la salle A123)


3A (lecture hall A105)

Chair: Katarína Labudová

3B (lecture hall A101)

Chair: Joe Blades

3C (lecture hall A122)

Chair: Kenneth Froehling

3D (lecture hall A102)

Chair: Martin Cyr Hicks

Galina Avramova

Canadian cultural identity: in search of a literary canon

Krisztina Kodó

Visual and Audible Expressions of the North

Tomasz Soroka

Nunavut’s Language Policy: Unprecedented Protection of an Aboriginal Language

Ceri Morgan

The North Shore in contemporary fiction in Québec

Monica Bottez

Multiculturalsim and Terrorism

Katalin Kürtösi

Pictures of the North in Canadian Culture (Interwar period)

Pavel Hlavaček

In the defense of Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic

Judit Molnár

Great Expectations: A Homeward Journey from South to North


Petra Sapun Kurtin

Geocritical Perspectives on Representation of Nordicity in Canadian Narratives

Dominic Williams

Canadian Kaddishes: Mourning North, Mourning South

Marcin Gabryś

Nunavik’s quest for self-governance


Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani

Conceptualising the North: re-imagining the spaces of the North in Jacques Ferron’s L’amélanchier and Mohammed Dib’s Les Terrasses d’Orsol

10:00 – 10:20 COFFEE BREAK (1st floor in front of lecture hall A123) / PAUSE CAFÉ (1er étage, devant la salle A123)


4A (lecture hall A105)

Chair: Felicity Skelton

4B (lecture hall A101)

Chair: Marcel Martel

4C (lecture hall A122)

Chair: Linda Warley

4D (la salle A102)

Modérateur: Evaine Le Calvé Ivičević

Don Sparling

Canada, the North and the Czech Consumer

Jana  Marešová

Under the Northern Lights: The North Narrated by Richard van Camp

Veronika Černíková : L’imaginaire de la neige dans la poésie québécoise
István János Molnár

The Hudson’s Bay Company and the exploration of the North

Diana Yankova & Andrey Andreev

Out of Canada: The Expatriate Experience

Ramona Pál-Kovács :  Espaces fictifs, espaces réels – promenades dans le Montréal de Michel Tremblay
Michelle Gadpaille

Two Mary’s and a Missus: Image and Ideology among Women Travellers in the Canadian North West

Madeleine Danova

Translating the Canadian North in Bulgaria. Cultural Stereotypes and Appropriations

Martina Horakova

Geography of Violence and Homecoming: North(e)scapes of Eden Robinson

Liliana Voiculescu : L’imaginaire nordique canadien enseigné par la littérature dans les universités roumaines

11:50 – 13:50 LUNCH BREAK (1st floor in front of lecture hall A123) / PAUSE DÉJEUNER (1er étage, devant la salle A123)

11:50 – 13:50  AGM – CEACS members’ General Meeting (lecture hall D1) / RÉUNION GÉNÉRALE AECEC (salle D1)


5A (lecture hall A105)

Chair: Mark Anthony Jarman

5B (lecture hall A101)

Chair: Milena Marinkova

5C (lecture hall A122)

Chair: Aritha van Herk

5D (salle A102)

Modérateur: Evaine Le Calvé Ivičević

Krzysztof  Majer

Blood, Elegance, Heat: Leonard Cohen in a Musicalized Fiction by Bill Gaston


Vesna Lopičić & Milena Kostić

A Filmed Representation of the Canadian Aboriginal North: Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner)

Robert Rutherdale

Fathers in the Provincial North:  Masculine Parenting in Canada on an Imagined Frontier after 1945


Ivana Jaramaz Reskušić (et Biljana Kostadinov) : Législation et corruption électorale : des leçons romaines aux expériences canadiennes, et perspectives croates
Leonor María Martínez Serrano

In Praise of the Human Voice: Robert Bringhurst’s New World Suite No. 3 and Glenn Gould’s The Idea of North

Attila Takács

Indigenous Research Dilemma

Riley Olstead & Katherine Bischoping

The Narrative Self in Northern Rural Dementia

Marilena Dracea-Chelsoi : Le Canada-La Reine des neiges nordiques du point de vue touristique
Irena Přibylová

Folk Songs of the North



Zrinka Erent-Sunko

Legal status of women in Canada – legal model beyond the 49th Parallel?

Marcel Martel

The North: Land of Ice and Vice


15:20 – 15:40 COFFEE BREAK (1st floor in front of lecture hall A123) / PAUSE CAFÉ (1er étage, devant la salle A123)


6A (lecture hall A105)

Chair: Diana Yankova

6B (lecture hall A101)

Chair: Pavel Hlaváček

6C (lecture hall A122)

Chair: Krzysztof Majer

6D (lecture hall A102)

Chair: Judit Molnár

Jason Blake

“My reptilian brain becomes confused” – On Mark Anthony Jarman’s Writing

Iwona Wrónska

Decade of Harper’s Northern Policy: Achievements and Failures

Nikola Tutek

Visual and Verbal in the Canadian Short Story (With Regard to the Depiction of Northness)’

Dunja Plazonja

Dystopian “North”: future space and future bodies in Margaret Atwood’s “MaddAddam” trilogy

Kenneth Froehling

Title of presentation: Revisiting March 1955: Alternative Perspectives of the Richard Riot in Montreal

Eliza Yankova

“We have been making some fairly profound changes to how we handle immigration”- Stephen Harper and (his) new Canada

János Kenyeres

“Iceberg, enigma, strange and timeless”: The North in Canadian Short Fiction

Ulla Kriebernegg

Leave Them on the Ice Floe? Put Them in the Nursing Home? Geronticide in Margaret Atwood’s “Torching the Dusties” (2014)

Petra Bručić

How hockey helps Canada to claim and keep its North

Ozren Pilipović

The impact of membership in North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) on Canada`s Economy

Felicity Skelton

Sex in the Snow: The relation of gender to Northern imagery in the short stories of Lisa Moore

Allan Weiss

Beyond the North: Nordicity in Canadian Fantastic Literature

17:10 – 17:30 COFFEE BREAK (1st floor in front of lecture hall A123) / PAUSE CAFÉ (1er étage, devant la salle A123)


7A (lecture hall A105)

Chair:  Jason Blake

7B (lecture hall A101)

Chair: Ulla Kriebernegg

7C (lecture hall A122)

Chair: Martin Löschnigg

Mátyás Bánhegyi & Judit Nagy

The Canadian North in the English Classroom

Mária Palla

« Canada, Canada, and where is that place? In the North Pole, that’s where »: Perceptions of Canada as the North in South-Asian Immigrant Writing

Irina Perianova

Quitting Home, Chasing Home


Albert Rau

The Canadian North – a cold experience for students of English

Rebecca Geleyn

A Peephole onto a Vastness: Micro-Spaces in Yann Martel’s Life of Pi

Milena Marinkova

A Peacekeeper of the North, a Bystander in the South? Affecting Humanitarian Intervention in Canadian Fiction

Irena Vassileva

Plagiarism in Academia – European and North-American Practices


20:00 – 23:00 CONFERENCE DINNER (restaurant Capuciner, address: Kaptol 6, opposite the Cathedral)* / DÎNER DE GALA DE LA CONFÉRENCE (restaurant Capuciner, adresse: Kaptol 6, en face de la cathédrale)*

*transport to the restaurant:  a bus will be waiting in the parking lot in front of the Faculty for those participants who are attending the conference dinner / transport jusqu’au restaurant: un bus attendra sur le parking de la Faculté les personnes participant au dîner de gala de la conférence.